Save : Paha Que Grey Aluminum Tepee Shelter
You would prefer Paha Que Grey Aluminum Tepee Shelter with help you save price? We already have wonderful deals for Paha Que Grey Aluminum Tepee Shelter. It is very good deal at this time.
Now Sale ... Cheap Price Now! Paha Que Grey Aluminum Tepee Shelter !!!
@@@ Product Details : Paha Que Grey Aluminum Tepee Shelter
- Private camping shelter designed for showering or restroom use
- Removable rainfly includes two clear panels for heating solar shower
- Floor detaches so you can dig a latrine pit; overhead mesh gear hammock
- No-see-um mesh roof and bottom side panels for ventilation
- Measures 54 x 54 inches at floor; peak height of 94 inches
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@@@ Paha Que Grey Aluminum Tepee Shelter - - Review by Bruce
I was given Paha Que Grey Aluminum Tepee Shelter - item last week. It has worked exactly as presented. Amazing item. User hospitable to the point that I did not need to read through any details to operate. Checked the distances with other products and feels to be very appropriate. Thankful I made the buying. I would propose this item to you.
Buy Now! Paha Que Grey Aluminum Tepee Shelter